Naturally Non Allergic is a series of absolutely new generation product with patented formula. This litter is made from natural ingredients like plant material- sunflower shells. Sunflower shells does not contain protein that maybe cousing allergies in pets and people. All litter ingredients used in the production process have food certificates. We created and patented this revolutionary Naturally Non Allergic litter because we heard the needs of pets’ owners, looking for the best natural, organic products which are more effective than those avalible on the market in line with the current awareness of being eco.
Naturally Non Allergic meets the expectations of all those who attach importance to ecology. We have created a product from natural, naturally occurring on our planet and completely renewable and biodegradable raw material. Our litter is created from sunflower shells formed in the production of sunflower oil and grains for human consumption. You do not have to cut down trees or use artificial ingredients to obtain the raw material needs for that product.
One of the biggest advantages of Naturally Non Allergic litter is its unrivaled ability to absorb unpleasant odors. Compared to other litter from leading brands, sunflower shells litter is the best in absorbing and retaining the smell of cat urine. Tests prove this.
Naturally Non Allergic has a dark gray color and a natural slightly sunflower fragrance. It is characterized by a significantly lower level of dusting, thus reducing the risk of cats suffering from upper respiratory tract infection.
Naturally Non Allergic is recommended by veterinarians primarily because it does not cause allergies in cats and humans, but also because is low dusting, good absorption of odors and hygiene of use.